Whether you are a writer you is working on a book or a script, there will be times that you will find yourself stuck and have trouble proceeding with your project.
In the world of writers that's called Writer's block and it's pretty much the "enemy" of every writer out there. Even the most experienced writer sometimes find them selves in this situation, so remember that you are not alone.
The question though is what you are doing to prevent or fight writer's block.
I've been asked few times whether there is a way to fight it or not, my answer to that is "It's all up to you and your personality" . Let me explain what I mean.
There are many common ways of how someone can fight writer's block but it doesn't always mean that if you use those techniques you will get rid of the writer's block, it also has to do with yourself and how you, your spirit and mind are fighting it. I have writer friends and believe me we all have a different way of overcoming a writer's block. That's logical if you consider the fact that we all are unique by nature.
Below I have few tips of how I overcome a writer's block.
1. Enhance to your environment
Have you ever felt that you are more productive in a certain area than another one? Well that is become that certain place or room is decorated in such a way that instantly gives you that vibe. That's why many psychologist recommend that when you study or work to always read at the same place, and that's because you will be inspired and motivated to study or work at that place and also you wont be distracted as from the time constant change of the room or place you study tend to capture your attention and distract you from your work.
So make sure to make your room a cozy, warm and inspiring place for you to work. Put some flowers that you like, some pictures of what inspires you. Also keep in mind the time of the day that you feel being more pro-active. If for instant you are a morning person try waking up earlier in order to be able to have a bit time enhance to your work.
2. Determine the root of the problem.
There is always something behind our issue of not being inspired enough to write. Finding that reason will help you find and the solution for it and the way for you to get back on track and start writing again.
So your first task should be asking yourself: Why I am having a writer's block? / Why are you really blocked?
Do you feel as if you lost the confidence in the ability of writing?
Do you feel pressured toward other writers / or towards success?
Do you feel pressured and anxious whether or not your story / books is good enough in comparison to other writers stories / books?
Have I not written for so long that I feel intimidated by the mere act?
Lack of enthusiasm in what you are writing?
No matter what the reason is you must keep in mind that each problem has a different solution and there is solution for everything as long as we are determined to find it. For example I personal find myself lacking of confidence and whether my stories are good enough. What I do is that I always make sure to remind myself that no one's first draft was ever perfect. If for example you find yourself in a situation that you feel the magic and the enthusiasm you had for the part you are writing is gone, then simply try writing something else, maybe another part of your story and you can always come back to it when you feel inspired.
3. Use the "Pomodoro technique or Study with me videos
If you feel that you are a person you is easily getting distracted fro your work then you can use one of this techniques. The founder of the Pomodoro technique, Francesco Cirillo, stated that people tend to be most productive in 25 minutes blocks. So you can simple download this app and set the timer and do your work with the challenge not to stop, check your email or go make a new cu of coffee until the time is up. You can do this technique taking a small break in between.
Another thing I tend to do is to have one of those "study with me" videos playing on the background or on my second screen. This helped me a lot be productive as from the time its makes you feel that you are not alone by yourself on the contrary you have company, a working buddy.
You can also challenge yourself by putting a bet with yourself. What I mean is, set a time for you to always be at your desk and write at a certain time every day and write at least one or two pages each time, if you fail doing that you will have to put an amount that you will set on a piggy bank that you have.
4. Write yourself out of it
We usually feel that we have writer's block when we find ourselves stuck at a certain part of our book / story or when we feel that we lost the enthusiasm for what we were writing.
In such case I always tend to turn myself to something complete unrelated. It can be literally anything, creating a new blog, or enriching my existing blogs with new content. Doing this helps me get back on track and restart my creativeness.
5. Write even if it will be bad
Many people are seeking perfection, and I can say I am not an exception in that, when it comes to write I having moment that I seeking perfection, and I want to make sure that each paragraph or dialogue I would write is perfect and the best of the best.
But truth to be told we must keep in mind that, that is debilitating especially in the first draft. So instead of trying to write a perfect first draft I would suggest to focus on actually writing something even if that's going to end up bad. At least you will have something written down, and after that you can always come back and change anything you don't like . Personally I use to mark the part that in my opinion need a bit of fixing or the part that I think I could write them in a much better way, and when I am down writing the whole chapter I go back to the marked parts and change anything I don't like.
In case you are from those you are too perfectionist and by no mean you can go on if you don;t make the paragraph or chapter perfect you can always try your luck by using The Most Dangerous Writing App. This app works by you setting a time writing session and basically will disappear anything you have wrote if you pause writing for more than few seconds. I know that losing everything you wrote is the most frustrating thing that can happen to a writer but if you are desperate to overcome the overthinking about every single thing you write then I guess this will be a great tool.
6. Move on to the next one
It's not always necessary for you to write everything by its order, personally I never manage to do that and to be honest that's not a bad thing at all. Instead of being stuck at the same chapter for ages, just simple move on to the next chapter or to a part that you are enthusiastic to write, as long as it will help you get inspired again.
For me this is one of the best way to get rid of writer's block.
7. "Ask " for help from your toolkit
Writing different scenes and switching between them that's another great way to help you with the writer's block, and so does your tools. How many times you found yourself stuck a part just because you couldn't come up with the word you are looking for? Or how many of you find yourself in trouble when it comes to develop your characters?
There are many great tool on the internet you can use to help you with those. Look at some below:
Plot Generator : a great place to look into when you are having some trouble with coming up with something new.
Character Name Generator: Look here when you want a good development of your character or when you want to find couple of cool and unique names for your characters.
8. Use your "Help from a friend" card
There many times that you are in between two or more ways of how your story can go on. And some times that's a hard thing to deal with as from the time you love all the options you have in mind and you might even have the guilt feeling if you choose the one over the other.
In that case asking the help of a friend it's not a bad idea. Describe them in few words the options that you have and I am sure they will help you choose the best one. Also asking for the opinion of more than just one friend will give you a better perspective and guidance to choose the best option.
9. Go back to what inspire you
Sometimes it's good to take a pause and remember the reason that made us so passionate about writing. Was it a writer who made you want to be a writer just like them? Was it a book or maybe a movie that made you want to dig in the world of writing ?
No matter what was it, remember it, and remember what you like about that writer, about that book or movie. Immerse yourself to that feeling again, read again that book, look at the things you liked on that particular writer, it can be the writing style of that writer, the way he/she use to describe things, the way they penned their ideas, whatever it is look at it, and remind yourself again of the day you first come across to it, and the way it made you feel.
10.Keep remind yourself the reason you are doing this.
Whether you want to make your way to the writing world or just simple you are doing it for yourself keep reminding yourself why you are doing it. Remind yourself the goals you have set for yourself. For you doing all this means that there is a reason behind everything, remember it and keep working for it.
I hope this tips will help you all overcome writer's block in case you find yourself on its doorstep. Remember that this are all based on the things I used and helped me personally overcome writer's block. It might help you or it might not be the right ways to overcome it for some of you.
Always keep in mind to treat yourself kindly, not over-stress yourself for such things and to always treat yourself for every achievement and progress you make whether small of big. I am sure that we sometimes forget the things we have overcome and all the things that we have achieved, but if we take the time to have a look back to all the things we managed to do we will definitely see how much things we have achieved and that we are not that "bad" as we tend to think.
That's All She Wrote
Laura Melkonian